Validate an official ID in 5 seconds. Yep, it is possible!

Learn about the technology behind our official identification validation service and the advantages of implementing it.

There are few things as stressful as doing paperwork; an office full of people, lost hours, the risk of having forgotten a photocopy or, worse still, having lost the official identification before being able to do it. According to the International Development Bank (IDB), Mexico is the second worst rated country in Latin America, only behind Bolivia, when it comes to completing an identification and registration process in person.

While the average time it takes to complete a procedure in Latin America is 5.4 hours, in Mexico it is 6.9 hours and the situation worsens when it comes to paying taxes, insurance and pensions, in those cases it takes 8.2 hours.

The interesting thing about the case is that, although governments have implemented some mechanisms to carry out online procedures, it seems that they are not accessible enough for the entire population. Therefore, today more than ever, it is necessary to make use of some digital tools that will become allies of governments and companies.

Official identification in Mexico

Do you want to open an account at the bank, sign up for social security, do a procedure with the SAT, register as a driver on a digital platform? Before anything you will have to present an official identification. When the process is done in person, someone compares the photo of the document to confirm that it is indeed the same person, however, nothing guarantees it; It is enough to know that, according to CONDUSEF, Mexico ranks second in Latin America and eighth in the world in identity theft and that more than 3,000 investigation folders are opened each year for the crime of falsifying documents.

Is the process safe?

If in person there are risks when presenting an official identification, when procedures are carried out remotely the problem is even greater. Fortunately, technology has been developed that guarantees, in a matter of seconds, that the document sent by the user is valid and authentic. Carrying out procedures through safe and reliable digital means not only prevents crimes such as fraud and identity theft, but also helps in the fight against corruption.

How is it done?

It all starts with capturing the document to ensure that it is authentic and has not been previously altered. Through a mobile phone or computer, our solution guarantees that the capture will be of the highest possible quality and more than ten tests are applied to validate the location and dimensions of the graphic or typographic aspects of the document. With OCR (Optical character recognition) technology, the information is extracted from the document, such as the CURP, to validate it against official sources such as RENAPO. At the end we store the information collected in a digital file that is 100% secure.



If you want to know more about our services, contact us and book a demo

We are creating a new identity ecosystem in Mexico! We love to share our experience, the technology we develop and provide the security that our clients need in their companies.

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