Verify official ID documents such as
the INE or Mexican passport

Through OCR technology, information is extracted from the official identifications of the users or clients. Thanks to our artificial intelligence models, we validate that each of the documents are authentic and have not been altered.

  • Once this analysis has been carried out, the veracity of the information is accredited with official sources such as the National Population Registry (RENAPO).

Would you like to test before integrating our validation services?

Read our documentation

Validate in just 5 seconds

Instantly know if the identification document that your user has just sent is valid and authentic.

The integration process of our SDK is fast and secure, which guarantees the highest quality document capture.

It has a performance of 5 seconds in extracting the information from a document with OCR technology.

The percentage of coincide with the information that appears written in the INE is 94%

Do you want to integrate our services?

You no longer need to work with different providers! We develop technology in a comprehensive way and put it at your fingertips!